Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Hoff to See the Wizard
More Hassles Hoff.
"Now you see, America is like that grizzly bear, and the Supreme Court is like Tyne Daly's heaving, Crisco-soaked bosom."
-Tom Berenger on the Harriet Meirs nomination.
This can only mean one thing: Matt Tobey is now writing for Cracked Magazine.
This guy somehow mounted a bench seat to the front of his car about 12 feet in the air and now gives people rides on it. For footage of the Redneck Rollercoaster, Click Here:
This hombre started tracking all of the "Sure-Fire Winner!" stock tips he had received in spam e-mails. The results are not good.
Net Profit: - ($8,398.30)
Amusing photos of Model Railroads made up to look like slums.
They've got junked cars and garbage in the streets and everything.
On the serious tip, The D.O.D. released their report on the status of Iraq. While I do realize that it was put out by the Department of Defense, the statistics they provide seem to point toward at least some progress.
I hope...
Good t-Shirt:
"I'm not a nerd, Bart...Nerds are smart."
Thanks K
Thanks Fredeeky
Thanks Earl
Thanks Jer
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