Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Snark and Awe
An honest question:
Is this comedy?
Xmas approacheth! Behold these Sketchy Santas.
Creepy factor on some of these = 1,000
Speaking of being drunk on Christmas, My pal BrianSleeeper pulled together a yuletide plea for St. Nick to visit Detroit in his new song "313 Santa".
Special appearances by Dave Feeny and Kristin Von Bernthal, in case you didn't buy the program at the door.

I am a big sucker for isolated music tracks and these isolated tracks from The Stones' "Gimme Shelter" do not disappoint.
I always LOVED that Merry Clayton backup where she's sooo into it that her voice cracks on the "Murder" line and somebody (Mick?) goes "Whoo!" in the background. They left that in the final version too.
A Frenchman walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder.
The bartender asks, "Where did you get that?"
The parrot replies, "In France, where there are millions of them!"

For all your dude holiday needs, I recommendThe Badass Gift Guide featuring everything from a $27 two-foot-long gummy worm to a $35,000 30th Anniversary Authentic Pac-Man Arcade Cocktail Table.
An apropriate level of Snark and Awe is associated with every item.

X-mas lights are up.
Thanks David
Thanks Waxy.org
Thanks Goody
Thanks Derek
Thanks Brian
Comments: 0
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Tuesday Night Blogging Club
Docking Bay 94:

Apparently Dubai is totally the place for photoshooping Star Wars ships and droids into actual locations.
Do you want to see a video of David Lee Roth doing all of the big scissor kicks evar?
(I obviously already know the answer to this.)
Want to know what kind of kooky shit people are saying while buying comics at their local comic book store?

[While buying a particularly busty $120 Catwoman doll...]
The site Our Valued Customers can give it to you in excruciating detail.
BallDroppings sounds like a brutal medical condition but is actually a fun game that may in fact consume hours of your life...
...y'know, arranging your balls.
A terrific live "Mash Up" of the theme from Mad Men with Nat King Cole's "Nature Boy"
(which some may only know from the movie "Moulin Rouge").
I don't really go in for the golf, but this guy lays it out in a way that any of us could understand.
If any of us were Stephen Hawking
This tune by Danni Harrison (with Joseph Arthur and Ben Harper in a band called Fistful of Mercy)
sounds like one of the songs John and Paul would have tried their damnedest to keep off of "Let It Be"
A serious rocker.
Everybody keep Jeff Lynne away from this shizz.
So long, Sparky

Say hi to Ernie for me

This exists
Thanks Goody
Thanks David
Thanks Steve
Comments: 1