Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I introduce to state my musical team" STOP Band" 

hilarious abuse of the English language aplenty


This online comic Scary Go Round gives props to AMG in their latest installment, mocking up a complete page for the imaginary band "Dethspasm."
Following the successful removal of a large tarantula from his Read More...


Ratree Cheepudomwit, of the Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Development Department, said hundreds of urine drinkers attested that consuming a daily cup of urine worked wonders for their overall health and helped slow the ageing process.
Ok, pardon me if I don't take medical advice from someone named "Rat-Tree."


Spectacular album cover.


Goody hips us to LanguageMonitor.Com which keeps ESPN-esque stats on what phrases and words are leading the league in the Pop Culture pennant.
Wardrobe Malfunction, "Girly Men," Governator, Shock-and-Awe, bootylicious, and Pimp (as a verb... sorry Mike)


Mysteriously, the guys in Nine Inch Nails have somehow crashed their van in the Arizona Desert...
or they didn't...no one's really sure...


Somehow by searching on these terms, people found DataWhat

scarlett johansson listening to headphones
googlemotherfucker shirt
"humping dogs" "real estate" photo
"it ain't gonna lick itself"
"monkey playing poker"
coat of many colors (dolly parton) midi
scarlett johansson nipple


Here's a vase with a CD player attached so you can pump music directly into your flowers.

Remember how you wanted to do that?          'Member?


Thanks Dadid
Thanks Goody
Thanks Paul
Thanks Dan
Thanks Rob

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