Monday, November 29, 2004

Pr_id > Labelnum 

"I ain't gettin' on no airplane, Hannibal!"


Hand Pulls Groin. Seriously!
Groin Pulled By Hand.


NPR is hosting Brian Wilson's "SMiLE" concert available for free online.
Playlist here:


The kids who sang on Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2" are suing for royalties.
Peter Thorpe, who sang on the single, told friends: "We were just taken to the studios and it was great fun. I didn't realise royalties were owed and I'm very glad to be in a position to claim them."


Hockey Rockin'
Looks like Grinder is no longer the only game in town.


New Strongbad E-mail.
Lappy 486! Plus: "Puppies, Ginger Snaps, Pocket PCs."


Spectacular hotmail error.
"Now That's a Fire!"..."Ice Cream!"


crazy dancin'...


Thanks David
Thanks Steve
Thanks Donkers
Thanks Goody
Thanks Perry
Thanks Rob

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