Monday, March 07, 2005

Ok, Punch it! 

What better way to start GuestWeek than with this:
Firms Taking Action Against Worker Blogs
Now we know why Zac made us do this.


Check this out:
European salary levels across the countries just added to the EU/European Union.
We're talking Malaysian wages here… surprising. You'd a thought that all Europeans made good money.

European Salaries


Take a Star Wars personality test.


March 3, 2005

Beats Out Harvard Business School as Top CEO Destination

Domestic diva Martha Stewart, who saw the value of her stock soar since she
began serving a five-month sentence at Alderson Federal Prison, has
apparently now worked her magic on Alderson itself, which today reported a
twelve-month waiting list of CEOs eager to do time there.

"Our phone has been ringing off the hook, and a lot of these CEO's haven't
even committed a crime yet," said Alderson spokesperson Lucinda Colwin.
"I'm like, rob a liquor store and then we'll talk."

Randall Trestman of the University of Minnesota's Graduate School of
Business said that Ms. Stewart's stunning comeback has turned Alderson into
"the place to be" for America's top corporate leaders.

"What Harvard Business School was in the eighties and the Internet sector
was in the nineties, Alderson is today," he said.

CEOs whose companies' stock have sagged in recent months may face increasing
pressure from shareholders to commit crimes in order to snag a precious
one-way ticket to Alderson, Mr. Trestman said.

"Becoming a convicted felon is no longer a stigma for CEOs," he said. "It's
their fiduciary responsibility."

Across the country, crimes involving CEOs, from accounting fraud to car
theft, have surged over nine thousand percent in the past two months - a
trend that does not surprise Mr. Trestman.

"If, instead of buying Compaq Computer, [former HP CEO] Carly Fiorina had
stolen a Compaq computer from a Circuit City store, she might still have her
job today," he added.

Elsewhere, after circling the globe without being able to eat, sleep or
move, millionaire Steve Fossett said now he knows how it feels to fly coach.

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