Monday, October 03, 2005

All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes 

Text: "Kanye, are you still mad at me? Yes or No?"


In SouthEast Asia, the Weather Service is tracking Typhoon LongWang.
"That's the Login name I use in Weather Channel chat rooms!" Perry Siebert
"If they'd named Katrina Longwang, I'll bet a lot more people would've evacuated." Matthew Tobey


Remember how you wanted to hear Dean Wareham from Luna covering Pink Floyd's "Hey You?"...'Member? Well, now you can.
Noah Baumbach movie, Jeff Daniels, Dean Wareham & Pink Floyd tunes? OK.


Seen Cats In Sinks? Here's Pets in Uniform!
Yes Virginia, the world is a fucked up place.


Lee found this awesome "Make your face using Flash kinda like a mugshot (if you're a guy only)" website.

This is the one I came up with...something isn't all the way right...
The nose may be too far down, and I think I may have accidentally picked the Asian eyes...
I feel as though I captured the messy receding hairline just about right though.


Those of you who need more of Miss Scarlett in your day can check out the trailer for the new Woody Allen movie Match Point where she plays a really sexy girl...Man that girl can act!
Which one of you indie pop nerds can tell me the name (and artist) of that song in the middle of the trailer...the cute twee song...sounds like The Free Design or Coralie Clement, but I know those aren't right. I think JohBus (AKA the Perfesser) put it on a Springtime mixtape for me but I can't remember who it is.

Speaking of great acting, you can act like you're not interested in seeing Anne Hathaway's boobies (warning, boobies) from the upcoiming movie "Havoc."
C'mon, she's like the Princess of Genovia for Christ's sake! Even if you're a girl you've gotta be all like "Well, I do wonder what that's all about." Am I right? Hi-Five for boobs!


Speaking of trailers, here's how Hollywood would try to market The Shining if it came out today, as a sweet story about a boy searching for a father figure, and a writer looking for inspiration. Like "Sleepless in a Fucking Freaky Abandoned Hotel."
The use of Peter Gabriel's "Salsbury Hill" is what really clinches it.




Thanks Mark
Thanks Miss Mapping
Thanks Perry
Thanks Lee
Thanks Dan
Thanks Justin
Thanks Steve

Supreme thanks to Chris for the dope-ass photos of our college apartment, to Matt for using the term "Prostate-tacular" and to Rob for gettin' back on that horse.

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