Monday, March 27, 2006


Operation Rembrandt

Photoshop contest where they take famous paintings and superimpose new technology in.


Sco-Jo named FHM's Sexiest Woman of 2006.
Well, duh,


Buncha good bloopers from news broadcasts and such.
Stuff falling on people, weather-screen mishaps and the like.


Just so you know, Squirrels R Forever.
4. Ever.


The entirety of the movie Scarface with everything except the F-words chopped out.
It's a really long clip too...there's alot of swears in there.


look out


Pretty handy webpage: allows you to type in the name of any suspicious file you see in your System Processes file and it'll tell you if it's good or bad.
rnaapp is OK. Just so you know.


Postcards of Superheroes on the toilet.
I don't really understand the Wonder Woman one, but the rest of 'em are good.


Newsweek article about putting the "We"in the Web.
Flickr, MySpace, YouTube...all sorts of words pushed together and spelled wrong.


The complete ridiculously overdone alley fight from the movie 'They Live'
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." - Rowdy Roddy Piper


I still can't figure out how she got her butt around to the front...


Thanks Sara
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks Alec
Thanks David
Thanks Steve

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