Thursday, June 15, 2006
Gently and Amusingly Insane
Henry Rollins' letter to Ann Coulter is a great glimpse into how Hank's beautifully twisted mind works, and offers a glimpse into his home.
Man, he has a lot of CDs...
In a mostly unrelated story, Matt Tobey and I should have a Father's Day piece running in the Ann Arbor News this Sunday, featuring to our dad blog Baby Roadies (the title of which came from a Rollins quote). In our photo shoot we cradled a Diaper Genie in our arms like it was the Christ child and we were two wise men. Or at least two wiseguys.
Diaper Genies fucking rule.
I cannot recommend this enough. This guy wrote a little script that scans through LiveJournal pages and grabs the animated gif off of the pages. He then reposts them here 50 at a time.
Potentially NSFW. Also: Potentially glittery text.

Kooky road signs
Footage of Larry the Cable Guy doing stand-up before he was from the South and back when he spoke like a normal (albiet unfunny) human being.
The mullet is actually funnier than his routine.
Totally awesome tiny clip on how a set dresser became Bob from Twin Peaks.
The clip also contains what I believe is probably the single most terrifying moment in broadcast television history. I remember seeing that episode and going "Holy Mary, mother of God, that is horrifying."
Footage of a guy getting booked for a DUI, reaching for his wallet, and falling right on the floor.
Worth watching until the end, because you couldn't make that up if you tried.
I'm into this BJ and the Bear fansite because, man: Mar 24, 1981: BJ's seven lady truckers are kidnapped and flown to Mexico to harvest marijuana...
They don't make TV like that anymore...
Good News Everyone! All of that coffee that I drink may be helping all the damage I've done to my liver!
In a study of more than 125,000 people, one cup of coffee per day cut the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis by 20 percent. Four cups per day reduced the risk by 80 percent.
The French Open is over. Maria Sharapova's shirt is Open.
Not everything I say has to make sense.

This isn't funny is it? No. It's plane terrible.
Thanks Lee
Thanks BoingBoing
Thanks David
Thanks Dan
Thanks Rob
Thanks Rachel
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