Monday, June 12, 2006
New music recommendation device/gadget: Musicovery
(which I think is a mash-up of Music Discovery, and not Music+Ovary as someone originally thought)

It looks a lot like MusicPlasma, but incorporates Moods into the mix, and streams the songs that they recommend.
If you hover over one of the rainbow-colored Genres in the iPod looking thing, it gives you a little window with four moods in it. By clicking around one of those moods it brings back a string of songs that (loosely) fit the mood and genre you selected.
They also have check boxes for things that are "Hits," "Non-Hits" and some kind of "Decouverte" mode (which I don't know what it means).
They have some kind of decade-specific limiter as well.
Their collection seems pretty small, and their interface is still a little confusing to me (possibly because it is all in French), but I think it shows another way to offer music data in a graphical format.
This YouTube clip of Chris Farley is funny,
but the comments made me laugh harder:

I keep getting these spams:
Subject: Re: CT unit to drill on Mars, Revenue Up 200% - Ref. qh8423
Coiled tubing units are so compact and have such great potential, the Mars Drilling Project is evaluating a coiled tubing unit to drill for water on Mars. midribs
SPRING, TX--(MARKET WIRE)-- Coil Tubing Technology, Inc. (CTBG) announces the delivery of the first group of 8 Rotating Tools to oil and gas well service companies operating in Mexico and Oklahoma. Designed for use in "fishing" applications utilizing 2" coiled tubing strings, these tools were delivered and "in the field" the week of May 1, 2006 revere expiated
In addition, CTBG has received orders for ten more of these 2 7/8" Rotating Tool units, plus five 2 1/8" Rotating Tools, all of which are scheduled for delivery to customers before the end of the month of May. heftiest More here if you are retarded and want to keep reading spam.
First of all: is a terrible e-mail address.
Secondly, how much profit is there to be made by spamming people for industrial oil and gas drilling tools?
Finally: What is a Jejunectomy? To remove all things Jejune? If so, I'm all for it.
I may be a little crazy, and maybe just because I'm looking forward to seeing A Hard Days Night at the Michigan tomorrow at 7 if anybody wants to go, but this clip of Paul McCartney making mashed potatoes completely charmed me.
Little cute songs, a joke or two about butter. Stupid stupid Heather Mills.

Thanks Lee
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
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