Saturday, September 02, 2006

Distracting and Unneccesary 

So here's my theory: The PR machine always feeds some sexy story about Scarlett Johansson right before any of her movies are released.

From an earlier DataWhat post before "The Island" came out:

Is it just me? Or does it seem like ScoJo really cranked up the Boob Talk surrounding the release of this movie? First there's a huge press release for the fact that she didn't want to wear a cheap bra in one scene, then this whole "almost wrecked the car" item...I can't help but wonder if Michael Bay sat her down at some point and said, "Uh, look, Scarlett, we think this movie might really tank, is there any way you could talk about your boobs every six or seven seconds, just to try and keep some kind of hype going? Great, thanks."

And then this story about how Jonathan Rhys Myers would not turn away when Sco-Jo was undressing during their scene in "Match Point."

And now people are claiming that her sex scene in "The Black Dhalia" is distracting and unneccesary, to which she is quick to respond. Is this just a ploy to make sure that the word gets out that there is a Scarlett Johansson sex scene in this movie?

distracting and unneccesary

uh...I'm sorry, what was I talking about?


Fun site called Rate That Commentary where users go in and discuss DVD commentaries, good and bad. (Although I fear that the fact that Serenity is rated #1 smacks of fanboyism.)

I was glad to see the commentaries for Fight Club and Rushmore made it into the top 100, even though I liked the one on The Royal Tenenbaums better.

Sadly, Irving Kirshner's commentary for The Empire Strikes Back was not on the 50 Worst list.
I swear to God once editing was finished in 1980, he never even thought of the film again. Quotes like "Hey! It's the snow planet!" and "Oh Look! The gold robot!" come out of his mouth with astonishing surprise and childlike wonder. Not informative.


The complete list of changes between the 1977 and 2004 releases of Star Wars.
In other words: Ronto Overload.


I know a million yeas ago I posted about "Face Shakers" (people who shake their faces and then take pictures in mid-shake, with hilarious results). Many of those photos have been collected at

While people jowling are funny, Jowling dogs are equally entertaining.
Howl & Jowl


"In 1976, Morrisburg, Canada was the sight of the greatest car stunt ever performed. This event was known as the Super Jump. Stuntman Kenny Powers would attempt the longest car jump in history. His goal was to jump the St. Lawrence River. The distance would be one mile. An 8 and a half story ramp would be constructed for his rocket-powered Lincoln Continental. Once the car would leave this ramp it will sail one mile over the river and land on Ogden Island in the state of New York."

See the jump Here:


A little tiny baby panda sneezes really loudly, scaring the crap out of his mother.
From Cute Overload with good reason.


Funny site: is kind of like HotOrNot for Transportation Security agents to guess if something (Shaving Cream, Dynamite, Baby Looking At Milk) is a bomb or not.


not a bomb


Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks David
Thanks Neatorama
Thanks Metafilter
Thanks Scarlett-Fan

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