Saturday, January 20, 2007
Apparently this bakery has a service where you can e-mail in your text and they'll print it on a cake.
Occasionally though, an HTML formatting error can lead to an interesting message:

Here is a clip from a Japanese TV show where the roof of a porta-potty opens up and the whole base and toilet move up like an elevator while the person is still inside.
These people look very surprised with their asses hanging out in the wind all of the sudden...
Awesome home theater projector shaped like R2-D2.
"Look sir, Droids!"
All of Long Duk Dong's best bits from Sixteen Candles
I have to say: "No more yankee my wankee, the Donger need food!"
has made it into my everyday vocabulary.
Terrific Old Spice Commercial featuring Bruce Campbell.
Keep a keen eye on the room as he's walking...
Engadget lays out some pretty bizarre Celebrity Patents Via Google's new Patent Search. Potentially oddest among them is Penn Gillette's Hot Tub With Built-In Female Genitalia Stimulator design.
And isn't a hot tub already a female genitalia stimulator? Am I right fellas? ...Fellas?.
Pretty amazing Music Room:

Click the link to see all of his sa-weet hi-tech audio gear.
Thanks Dan
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks Jeff
Thanks Kris
Thanks Angie
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