Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Alex Chilton Means To Me 

I am certainly not the world's first, biggest or [anything] Big Star fan, but I am truly sorry that Alex Chilton has died.

"The Letter" by The Box Tops
(which Alex Chilton sang when he was 16 goddamn years old)
The Letter - The Box Tops

"Cry Like a Baby" by The Box Tops
(You heard it on oldies station in your Mom's car)
Cry Like A Baby - The Box Tops

"September Gurls" covered by The Bangles
(You stole the "Different Light" tape from your sister's boom box because you wanted to learn
the dance to "Walk Like an Egyptian" bit you ended up liking this song the best but didn't know why)

September Gurls - The Bangles

"In the Street" by Big Star
(This is the song you like from the beginning of "That '70s Show")
In The Street - Big Star

"Alex Chilton" by The Replacements
(I'm in love/With that Song/I'm in love/What's that song?")
Alex Chilton - The Replacement...

"Thirteen" by Big Star
(You heard this on a Maxell 90 minute High Bias Cassette mix tape I made for you)
Thirteen - Big Star

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