Saturday, September 30, 2006
Zombie Rights March Protested By Pirates
Lifted from BoingBoing 'cause they totally did it right.

Here is a quick set of clips of the "Stoned Professor" at the University of Florida.
No word on whether he's actually stoned, or just a nutty professor.
Two decent new albums and one great one:
The Pernice Brothers "Live a Little"
Solid sweet American nerd pop. MySpace Page
Jet "Shine On"
More of the same, with a solid single...hear the whole album on their MySpace Page.
The Hold Steady "Boys & Girls in America"
Really terrific songwriting. Drunken bar bands is the new black. MySpace Page
In the "Well Duh" category, Sco-Jo was named Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive of 2006.
Hmmm...who woulda seen that coming?
Also: Golly! Photos of Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson on set together from their scene in the upcoming movie The Other Boleyn Girl.
According to Egotastic: "even if this movie is the worst movie ever, it will still be the best movie ever."
This woman figured out a way to create a Sudoku puzzle from Flickr photos.

Above is the DataWhat Sudoku game.
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks BoingBoing
Thanks Neatorama
Thanks David
Comments: 0
Friday, September 29, 2006
Don't You Know That You Are a Superstar
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
The 'Duke
All of the sudden, two decent Marmaduke links:
Marmaduke Explained lays down a heavy duty explanation for each day's Marmaduke comic.
The Marmaduke Project takes great pains to make Marmaduke less unfunny.

Almost too bizarre...this video seems to be an aerobics video that teaches Japanese women how to not get killed when American muggers try to take their money.
They keep chanting "Take Anything You Want" and "Spare Me My Life" while working out, and a George Costanza character threatens a woman with a knife.
News Flash!!! Another One on how to hail a taxi.
"Let Me Off at the Next Corner."
Neil Peart-inspired animated fan video for Rush's YYZ? OK.
Obviously inspired by this photo of him and his red Tama kit on a raft.
A woman walks into a Lexus dealership. She browses around, then spots the perfect car and walks over to inspect it. As she bends to feel the fine leather upholstery, a loud fart escapes her.
Very embarrassed, she looks around nervously to see if anyone has noticed her little accident and hopes a sales person doesn't pop up right now. But, as she turns back, there standing next to her is a salesman.
"Good day, Madame. How may we help you today?"
Very uncomfortably, she asks, "Sir, what is the price of this lovely vehicle?"
He answers, "Madame, I'm very sorry to say that if you farted just touching're going to shit when you hear the price."
Ben Folds covering Such Great Heights accompanied by unwashed hipsters on wine glasses.
Originally by The Postal Service, terrifically done by Iron & Wine, and performed poorly on a mandolin. Is this song to become the touchstone indie rock for everybody to cover?

Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks BoingBoing
Thanks Neatorama
Thanks David
Comments: 0
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Lockin' & Poppin'
Little Superstar?
'Holiday Rap' by MC Miker G. and DJ Sven?
Does it really matter?
Thanks Scott
Comments: 0
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Before YouTube, what was there to talk about?
'Member that guy who took a red paper clip and traded it for a fish pen and then a boat and then being mayor of a town and finally a house? Well Matt Tobey has an iPod that he's willing to trade for something cool, in the hopes that someday he will own a multi-billion dollar corporation.
If you have something you think is worth anything and you could use an iPod, let Matt know.

Geez, when did Brian Wilson get so freakishly huge?
Or is strangling Al Jardine the only way to make him smaller?
So what was moderately cool is this video where Noah takes a photo of himself everyday for 6 years with some George Winston playing in the background, but I very much like this video of Phil takes a photo of himself everyday for 2 days, but by far my favorite is this hillbilly cartoon character ripping on Noah for taking a picture of himself every day for 6 years.
Jesus, the floppy-lipped way the guy talks makes me laugh...dunno why.
Viral clip of a viral clip: Two figure skaters re-enacting that OK GO video.
(the boring backyard one, not the awesome treadmill one).

Buncha kooky old ads, many of them for cigarettes and avoiding "smoker's fag" whatever that means.
Japanese '70s Spider Man Overload from Gerard!!!
Japanese live action Spider Man
end credits
Spiderman sneaks up on the duckmen:
Spiderman trying to steal the Lindbergh baby, gets a nasty surprise:
Spidey getting his ass handed to him by a little girl with a slingshot:
Of course, if you want to protect your secret identity, this would be the way to go about it:
I kind of wish the show started with the opening credits, had this clip, and then the ending credits. That would have fucked up my 5 year old mind forever...
And to round out the spiderman getting shot over and over again with arrows episode: Bang and Zoom.
And last, and a must-see, Spiderman (in japanese) with Spanish subtitles!
Borat sings a song about throwing Jews down the well in a redneck bar, and they really, really get into it.
There's a guy in a Superman shirt and a cowboy hat whose parents must be related.
This clip entitled "Drunk Friend Alarm Clock" features a guy passed out in a lawn chair and his bro ties a string of firecrackers to his foot.
With friends like these, who needs white trash?

Esquire's Sexiest Woman of '06?
Could be anybody I guess...
Thanks Gerard
Thanks Matt
Thanks Goody
Thanks Mark
Thanks Dan
Thanks David
Comments: 0
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Find Steve Irwin Dead!
Buy Steve Irwin Dead on eBay!

eBay really does carry everything!
I always knew Darth Vader was a jerk and this clip proves it.
Sorta like that funny game where just as someone reaches for the door handle, you lock the car doors on 'em, then unlock it and promise not to do it again, then do it again. The timing on this is awesome.
Nice article on Tapestry in the Campus Technology News.
"One of the coolest things I saw"

looks "sew" good.
I found that photo and many more at The guy who puts it together is a frequent DataWhat reader and has a really interesting sense of art and weirdness and nekkid girls (some very very nekkid, have been warned). I can never really tell what's going on, but I keep coming back to it..
Like I seriously can't tell what's going it's in a language besides HTML.
Someone reminded me that I promised to show the occasional boob on DataWhat, so he sent this along.[NSFW]
Not for the faint of heart, or anyone thinking of using the McDonalds drive-through anytime soon.
Those effing geniuses at The Daily Show have superimposed G-Dub's speech into that Little Richard Geico commercial:
crying, laughing, crying
I found that clip on this Viral Video Chart site which monitors the most popular videos on YouTube, MySpace and Google Video and aggregates them into one place.
The design is clean and easy to use, so watch them screw it up.
Thanks Hemaworstje
Thanks Derek
Thanks Kris
Thanks Tosborn
Thanks Dan
Comments: 0
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Standing in the shower thinking...
This had alrady been brought up to me on a more localized scale, but would it be possible to set up Gmail accounts as peer-to-peer file sharing devices? Going to jail aside, how feasible would that be?
Somebody sets up a series of Gmail accounts with a standardized name, like or, with the password being the same thing as the band's name, then you would log into that account and e-mail yourself MP3s of that artist, maybe with a standardized subject line: RollingStones_StupidGirl. Google would (unwittingly) host the MP3 for you, and you could search through different accounts just by guessing at the login name.

"Hmmm...I wonder if the new Dylan record is on Gmail yet..." Log in as (password: BobDylan) and you'd get access to a Gmail account with any and all Dylan MP3s out there.
How quickly would Google find out about this? Probably before it got big enough to use on a wide scale...Needing to have a standardized login prefix would enable them to track down these accounts in a snap.
Anyhoo, that's what rolls through my brain on minimal sleep.
Comments: 0
Somebody sets up a series of Gmail accounts with a standardized name, like or, with the password being the same thing as the band's name, then you would log into that account and e-mail yourself MP3s of that artist, maybe with a standardized subject line: RollingStones_StupidGirl. Google would (unwittingly) host the MP3 for you, and you could search through different accounts just by guessing at the login name.

"Hmmm...I wonder if the new Dylan record is on Gmail yet..." Log in as (password: BobDylan) and you'd get access to a Gmail account with any and all Dylan MP3s out there.
How quickly would Google find out about this? Probably before it got big enough to use on a wide scale...Needing to have a standardized login prefix would enable them to track down these accounts in a snap.
Anyhoo, that's what rolls through my brain on minimal sleep.
Comments: 0
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Cranberry Sauce
Attention Non-Breeders: Just because I had a kid does not mean that this blog is going to go all wishy-washy on you. From what I can see from my SiteMeter stats, the majority of you are looking for nude photos of Gretchen Wilson or an Alan Rickman soundboard, and that is a responsibility I don't take lightly.

Oh, and for the guy who came to DataWhat looking for information regarding "why didn't bill murray dong scarlet johanson in lost in translation" you've come to the wrong place. I cannot help you.
Oh Ben this 2004 clip he is interviewed by Anne-Marie Losique for Montreal TV(?) and he is obviously hammered. He drags her onto his lap and grabs at her boobs.
You Daredevil.
The complete Alvar Hanso/Dharma Initiative video pieced together from the fragments of video released on
I watched it, and I still don't really understand it. You could say I'm lost.
Really moving home video footage of the World Trade Center on 9/11 without CNN voiceover, without news flashes. Just somebody's home camera for a half hour.
I remember that same total confusion and disbelief.
Seriously, if you aren't checking Neatorama on a daily basis, I...I don't know if I can help you.
The most high-quality linkage anywhere, with a bent toward science and childlike wonder. I am constantly impressed.
Trickster fox Banksy is at it again, smuggling a life-sized statue of a Gitmo Bay inmate into Disneyland.
Families visiting Disneyland on their holiday this week saw a life-size Guantanamo bay inmate standing inside the Rocky Mountain Railroad ride at Disneyland in Anaheim California.
The sculpture, consisting of an inflatable doll dressed in an orange jumpsuit with its hands and feet manacled remained in place for one and a half hours before Disneyland’s security staff shut down the ride and removed it amid fears over public safety.
Geico was a sponsor during the US Open so we saw these commercials about seven thousand times. The concept was to pair a regular Geico insurance customer with a famous person.
The best one.
Little Richard is totally totally insane...and he knows it.
Also good: This guy is the deep-voiced movie voiceover guy.
The look on his face at the end is very funny.

Peter Graves talking about putting on Tangerine Lip Gloss is a winner.
Click here to watch since this one is not on YouTube.
By far the worst one.
Verne Troyer is not an actor, he is a midget.
This is just uncomfortable.
Super cute photo of Scarlett Johansson from UK Vogue.
More here.
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks Neatorama
Thanks Perry
Thanks Dan
Comments: 0
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
That's Hot
I know I've talked about Banksy before but if you're not intimately familiar with him, here is his website. He is loosely called a "grafitti artist" but his stuff actually veers closer to social commentary and cultural art.
His latest escapades made me smile wide.
He purchased a copy of Paris Hilton's new album, scanned the booklet and created his own version of the artwork and music on a CDR.

Highlights include the sticker on the front that says "Why Am I Famous?" "What Have I Done?" text on the inside that says "Every CD you buy puts me further out of your league," and all sorts of tweaked photos.
The best part is that he made 500 of these CDs and slipped them back onto the shelves at HMV and Virgin Records stores all across England.
Flickr set of photos of the CD booklet Here:
See the YouTube video of the scam(?) heist(?) prank(?) Here or click below:
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin? He's D.Y.K.
What are the odds that he would be killed by a wild animal? Oh, yeah I guess so...But stabbed in the heart by a stingray? Jesus, man...that's fucked up.
Sgt. PetSounds is a mashup of The Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and The Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds" and while this sounds like a great idea, most of the MP3s get a little too dissonant for my tastes.
Give it a shot, what else are you doing?
Watching some great tennis for 11 to 13 hours a day means you'll end up seeing the same commercials over and over again, but the Andy Roddick vs. Pong Amex commercial is pretty funny every time.
There is also an online game but it is asking me for a plugin, and I'm too is it possible in 2006 I need a plugin to play Pong?
Y'know what's awesome? reviews of milk on

Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks Lee
Thanks BoingBoing
Comments: 0
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Distracting and Unneccesary
So here's my theory: The PR machine always feeds some sexy story about Scarlett Johansson right before any of her movies are released.
From an earlier DataWhat post before "The Island" came out:
Is it just me? Or does it seem like ScoJo really cranked up the Boob Talk surrounding the release of this movie? First there's a huge press release for the fact that she didn't want to wear a cheap bra in one scene, then this whole "almost wrecked the car" item...I can't help but wonder if Michael Bay sat her down at some point and said, "Uh, look, Scarlett, we think this movie might really tank, is there any way you could talk about your boobs every six or seven seconds, just to try and keep some kind of hype going? Great, thanks."
And then this story about how Jonathan Rhys Myers would not turn away when Sco-Jo was undressing during their scene in "Match Point."
And now people are claiming that her sex scene in "The Black Dhalia" is distracting and unneccesary, to which she is quick to respond. Is this just a ploy to make sure that the word gets out that there is a Scarlett Johansson sex scene in this movie?

uh...I'm sorry, what was I talking about?
Fun site called Rate That Commentary where users go in and discuss DVD commentaries, good and bad. (Although I fear that the fact that Serenity is rated #1 smacks of fanboyism.)
I was glad to see the commentaries for Fight Club and Rushmore made it into the top 100, even though I liked the one on The Royal Tenenbaums better.
Sadly, Irving Kirshner's commentary for The Empire Strikes Back was not on the 50 Worst list.
I swear to God once editing was finished in 1980, he never even thought of the film again. Quotes like "Hey! It's the snow planet!" and "Oh Look! The gold robot!" come out of his mouth with astonishing surprise and childlike wonder. Not informative.
The complete list of changes between the 1977 and 2004 releases of Star Wars.
In other words: Ronto Overload.
I know a million yeas ago I posted about "Face Shakers" (people who shake their faces and then take pictures in mid-shake, with hilarious results). Many of those photos have been collected at

"In 1976, Morrisburg, Canada was the sight of the greatest car stunt ever performed. This event was known as the Super Jump. Stuntman Kenny Powers would attempt the longest car jump in history. His goal was to jump the St. Lawrence River. The distance would be one mile. An 8 and a half story ramp would be constructed for his rocket-powered Lincoln Continental. Once the car would leave this ramp it will sail one mile over the river and land on Ogden Island in the state of New York."
See the jump Here:
A little tiny baby panda sneezes really loudly, scaring the crap out of his mother.
From Cute Overload with good reason.
Funny site: is kind of like HotOrNot for Transportation Security agents to guess if something (Shaving Cream, Dynamite, Baby Looking At Milk) is a bomb or not.

not a bomb
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks David
Thanks Neatorama
Thanks Metafilter
Thanks Scarlett-Fan
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