Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Anyone on the streets is in immediate danger of being robbed & killed.
Mebbe check out this LiveJournal being updated from New Orleans. Up high in a New Orleans building with only their internet access and an effing huge three-quarter of a million watt diesel generator to keep them company.
Security has become a major concern now, because the NOPD is ineffective and the
It is a zoo out there though, make no mistake. It's the wild kingdom. It's Lord of the Flies. That doesn't mean there's murder on every street corner. But what it does mean is that the rule of law has collapsed, that there is no order, and that property rights cannot and are not being enforced. Anyone who is on the streets is in immediate danger of being robbed and killed. It's that bad.
New Orleans WebCam Here:

Flickr user dustin3000 uploaded two similar news photos;
each of a flood victim in New Orleans wading in chest high water with boxes and bags.
Caption 1 under the very dark skinned person:
"A young man walks through chest deep flood water after looting a grocery store in New Orleans"
Caption 2under the light skinned person:
"Two residents wade through chest-deep water after finding bread and soda from a local grocery store..."
Thanks Sam
Thanks Rob
Thanks Mr. Morgan Light
Comments: 0
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
If It Keeps On Rainin' The Levee's Gonna Break
the most amazing images from Flickr Photos of Hurricane Katrina from New Orleans

click for larger click for larger

click for larger click for larger

click for larger click for larger

click for larger click for larger

click for larger

water street

wrong way
Thanks a lot, God
Comments: 0
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I hope you don't mind, I played with your gelatinous goo.
"May I take your order?" the waiter asked.
"Yes, how do you prepare your chickens?"
"Nothing special sir," he replied. "We just tell them straight out that they're going to die."
Yet another collection of Worst Album Covers
(Joyce, Tino, "Julie's Sixteenth Birthday" plus some new ones)
But I figure this one has to be a hoax

Kirk Van Houten anyone?
Anyone on the internet will remember the Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Sleep! video of grown up dorks playing live-action Dungeons and Dragons out in the woods, now there is an even better(?) clip of dorks doin' their D&D thang including invading a cardboard castle and slaying what looks like a papier-mache dragon buily by Mrs. Hollingsworth's fourth grade class.
Plus: A smoke machine and christmas lights to make it extra castle-y.
If you like America you will sign this online petition to keep Wal-Mart out of Saline.
Or, I guess I should say If you hate what America is becoming, you will sign this petition.

Man, Mel Gibson looks Pissed!
Nice photo of Charisma Carpenter in a bikini drinking a margarita.
Ah, so that's what she's doing with her career. Nice choice.
Pretty fun quiz where you pick a band and try to identify their album cover as it is flashed by, spun around or zoomed in on.
I got 90% on Pink Floyd y'all. Blacklight Party In My Dorm Room!!!! Woot!
Worth100 has a pretty good photoshop contest going where they've stuck Jessica Simpson in all sorts of historical locations (since she seems to be everywhere anyway).
Fave: Jessica and Groucho Marx share a malted.

gotta go
Thanks GoldenFiddle
Thanks Earl
Thanks Andy
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks Gerard
Oh Grambo Where Art Thou?
Comments: 0
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Speed Bloggin
now with no spelling/typo corrections!
Dear Kansas Board of Education:
I also believe in teh Flying Spaghetti Monsyter
as an all-poweful diety and think his teachings should be taught
alomngside creationism in public schools.

(Note: just as much proof as there is in the bible)
Two Serenity viral movies regarding the origins of a troubled little girl named River Tam.
Watch Excerpt 1 first.
MP3s of Dick the Bruiser's songs from Riff back in tha day.
'Member "Bars" sung to teh theme of Gary Numan's "Cars"? If you only liten to one, listen to "Catch a Good High"...tyhat's the hit.
Funny "Actual" footage of the moon landing forr all you conspirtacy theorists out there.
Nice use of old school lighting too.

Poor Scarlett! I hope she's OK.
Didthose bad paparazzi make you crash? Did they? They are bad men. Yes they are...Oh yes they are...
Dunno how these could be better than the original top 10 but they somehow did it.
This televangelist lady recommends a Holy Ghost Enema, hollars for a while, then totally passes out.
Right up the behind. That's where teh Holy Ghost Enema goes.
I advise you to request a password from The Music Genome Project's new Playlist recommendation service.
Man, they're doing some stuff right. You just type in a song or an artist, and they start a "Radio Staion" and stream full high-quality tracks (including the Beatles catalog, somefuckinghow) through a slick flash interface. Nice work gents, I doff my cap.

I believe
Ohg my God, I'm the worst typist ever.
Thanks Exquisite Dead Guy
Thanks Jared
Thanks Lee
Thanks PJ
Thanks Rob
Thanks Gerard
Comments: 0
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Still Crazy After All These Years
Yesterday it was my birthday / I hung one more year on the line
I should be depressed / My life's a mess but I'm having a good time
Oo, I've been loving and loving and loving / I'm exhausted from loving so well
I should go to bed / But a voice in my head says "Ah, what the hell"
Have a good time
Paranoia strikes deep in the heartland / But I think it's all overdone
Exaggerating this and exaggerating that / They don't have no fun
I don't believe what I read in the papers / They're just out to capture my dime
I ain't worrying / And I ain't scurrying; I'm having a good time
Have a good time
Maybe I'm laughing my way to disaster / Maybe my race has been run
Maybe I'm blind to the fate of mankind / But what can be done?
So God bless the goods we was given / And God bless the U. S. of A.
And God bless our standard of livin' / Let's keep it that way
And we'll all have a good time
"Have a Good Time"
Paul Fuckin Simon y'all.
Three birthday cards I got with special messages at the end.
Mahogany: Sista 2 Sista
The Bear and the Bird: With Private Message
Sprinkling Butterfly: Golden showers of wishes.
GoldenFiddle has a nice collection of Found-Lost-Stolen images including this gem:

Great Ancient Roman Graffiti proves that people were shallow and obsessed with sex and pooping since the dawn of time:
I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932:
"Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"
Folks over at MetaFilter are begging for a good way to do automatic playlisting on their digital music collections.
Man, somebody oughtta get on that.
Some dubious history regarding Ypsilanti's Frog Island.
Hairy frogs I can get with, but a mayor named "Smedly J. Snodgrass" and a naturalist conveniently named "Pete Boggs?" C'mon.
Funnest!!! Match the sound to the classic video game. Galaga, Frogger, Sinistar, BurgerTime, Pitfall, Joust. They're all in there.
Note: This is on PBS' site, so it must be educational!

A great collection of photos of metallic objects sucked into MRI machines
due to the crazy magnetic forces they generate.
Please remove your watch before viewing this site.
Some guys who worked in Paul Anka’s band over the years finally got fed up with his post-gig ranting and raving, so one of them tapes one of Anka’s tantrums and posts it on the web. Anka was furious, but never found out who did it.
Beware: lotsa swearing coming from the guy who wrote "She's Having My Baby"
Thanks Vert
Thanks Steve
Thanks Mike
Thanks GoldenFiddle
Thanks Justin
Thanks Tim
Comments: 0
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Be Still My Flatulating Heart

OK. Somebody's got a little too much time on their hands if they're
re-writing Spider Man strips with wacky sayings.
Holy Shittake! This site allows you to Browse Flickr keywords and is probably the best application of Flash I've ever seen.
Sliding the cursor around within a search zooms you in and out...really impressive. Try "Moon" and you'll see what I mean.
A couple more hilarious cybersex mishaps from BloodNinja!
Sweetheart: Your pants are off. I kiss you passionately-our naked bodies pressing each other.
Wellhung: Your face is pushing my glasses into my face. It hurts.
Sweetheart: Why don't you take off your glasses?
Wellhung: OK, but I can't see very well without them. I place the glasses on the night table.
Sweetheart: I'm bending over the bed. Give it to me, baby!
Wellhung: I have to pee. I'm fumbling my way blindly across the room and toward the bathroom.
Sweetheart: Hurry back, lover.
Wellhung: I find the bathroom and it's dark. I'm feeling around for the toilet. I lift the lid.
Sweetheart: I'm waiting eagerly for your return.
Wellhung: I'm done going. I'm feeling around for the flush handle, but I can't find it. Uh-oh!
Sweetheart: What's the matter now?
Wellhung: I've realized that I've peed into your laundry hamper. Sorry again.
Google Maps gives us a Crime Map of Ypsi, and if you'll notice there was only one street assault so far in August on the block where the Elbow Room is.
So c'mon out to the Porchsleeper show tomorrow.
Pretty good Get Fuzzy...y'know, if you like comics that are funny.
If not, there's always For Better Or For Worse...not to complain, but hasn't this comic totally fallen off the deep end? It used to be pretty funny musings about family life, but now it's all about crib death and divorce...Jesus...look at some of these: Sexual harassmant and rape? The regrets of youth? Divorce? Stalking? Geez Lynn Johnston, lighten the fuck up. It's called the funny papers for a reason!
So Long, Rob's Blog, it's been good to know 'ya.
This guy's really down with the data

Hey! Friday's my Birthday!
Go into the comments and tell me what a self-centered prick I am!
Or don't, what do I care... I just hope that little girl from For Better or For Worse is OK.
Thanks Matt
Thanks Lee
Thanks Horkulated
Thanks Katy
Thanks for giving birth Mom!
Comments: 0
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Books Are Shareware
Real quick 'cause I'm sooo sick of computers right now.
Porchsleeper's album just got picked up by online retailer Miles of Music so now you can buy it online Here.
In a related story, Vertsleeper contributed our first Porchsleeper Blog Post today, and it made me laugh so hard I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Fucking Comcast. This woman called to complain about her bill, so they changed the name on her account to "Bitch Dog" so that's what it says on her bill.
OK, that is kinda funny...I can just see some disgruntled Comcast worker saying "Lady call me up, sayin' all kindsa problems, she some kinda bitch dog...heyyy, that's what her new name is...Bitch Dog." But still. Comcast are crooks.
Chris Rock tells you How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked by the police.
Gospel Mime?
Say no more.
I can't tell how I feel about this Scarlett Johansson in a see-thru top because it's from the premiere of the movie Eight Legged Freaks and I'm too lazy to know whether she was of legal ogling age at that time.
Man, I gotta listen to some Steely Dan...

Thanks Gerard
Thanks Steve
Thanks Rob
Thanks Sara
Thanks Wade
Comments: 0
Monday, August 15, 2005
Lotsa ninjas today

Come out this Friday August 19th to The Elbow Room in Ypsi to see Porchsleeper perform a handful of songs as Jim Roll's backing band. Sounds crazy, but it just might work.
Also performing: Counter Cosby and Embassy Hotel Recording Artists Paul's Big Radio.
Show Starts at 9, We'll go on around Midnight.
Oh my God Earl, you have got to see This Video crammed with what must be every single redneck image known to man, set to the sounds of Eric Weissberg's Dueling Banjos.
Yep, the Raccoon humping the dog is in there too.
OK here is what may be the first ever DataWhat Challenge: Watch This entire video without looking away from the screen. Nothing jumps out at you, nothing screams like those little "Screamer" videos with Ghosts or barking dogs or whatever, it is just a simple video of a person tap dancing, then looking into the camera. Just stare at the whole thing, I dare you. Look into the face that will be looking back at me from behind the wall of sleep tonight.
Not advisable for pregnant women, you might accidentally spontaniously have the baby out of sheer creepiness.
For a lighter look, here is the YoureTheManNowDog version set to the Benny Hill theme.
Ha Ha! Yakkity Sax!
More information on the origins of this fascinating person Here
Funniest thing of the day: This guy totally messes with people wasting their time in CyberSex chat rooms:
Bloodninja: I lick your earlobe, and undo your watch.
Sarah19fca: mmmm, okay.
Bloodninja: I take yo pants off, grunting like a troll.
Sarah19fca: Yeah I like it rough.
Bloodninja: I smack you thick booty.
Sarah19fca: Oh yeah, that feels good.
Bloodninja: Smack, Smack, yeeeaahhh.
Bloodninja: I make some toast and eat it off your ass. Land O' Lakes butter all in your crack. Mmmm.
Sarah19fca: you like that?
Bloodninja: I peel some bananas.
Sarah19fca: Oh, what are you gonna do with those?
Bloodninja: get me peanuts. Peanuts from the ballpark.
Sarah19fca: Peanuts?
Bloodninja: Ken Griffey Jr. Yeaaaaahhh.
Sarah19fca: What are you talking about?
Bloodninja: I'm spent, I jump down into the alley and smoke a fatty. I throw rocks at the cats.
Sarah19fca: This is stupid.
Bloodninja: Stone Cold Steve Austin gives me some beer.
Bloodninja: Wanna Wrestle Stone Cold?
Bloodninja: Yeeaahhhh.
Sarah19fca: /ignore
Bloodninja: Its cool stone cold she was a bitch anyway.
Bloodninja: We get on harleys and ride into the sunset.
Ted Nugent on Hardball talking about the new Rolling Stones song and political activism in music:
About 4 minutes into it:
“If you watched what Uncle Ted is doing at all this State Fairs and County Fairs…when I go into my pro-gun self-evident truth celebration…my pro-hunting, my pro-trapping….when I talk about quality of life issues….the ten commandments, the golden rule, the U.S. constitution, the Bill of Rights….50,000 people at the state fair all scream “Yes!”
“And Green DAY!
Terrific commercial by Steve Balmer selling Windows 1.0...must be from 1985.
It's $99, but it comes with a clock, so that's cool.
Have The Darkness Broken Up?
A dark day for rock my friends...
This is a pretty choice little movie about a guy using Le Parkour-style jumps and manuvers to escape some bad guys.
Like Jackie Chan, but more "street"...
The best one liners from the Pam Anderson Roast
"Who thinks Courtney Love looks worse than Kurt Cobain currently does?" - Jeffrey Ross

OK, just one more from BloodNinja:
Bloodninja: Wanna cyber?
MommyMelissa: Sure, you into vegetables?
Bloodninja: What like gardening an ****?
MommyMelissa: Yeah, something like that.
Bloodninja: Nuthin turns me on more, check this out
Bloodninja: You bend over to harvest your radishes.
MommyMelissa: is that it?
Bloodninja: You water your tomato patch.
Bloodninja: Are you ready for my fresh produce?
MommyMelissa: I was thinking of like, sexual acts INVOLVING vegetables... Can you make it a little more sexy for me?
Bloodninja: I touch you on your lettuce, you massage my spinach... Sexily.
Bloodninja: I ride your buttocks, like they were amber waves of grains.
MommyMelissa: Grain doesn't really turn me on... I was thinking more along the lines of carrots and zucchinis.
Bloodninja: my zucchinis carresses your carrots.
Bloodninja: Damn baby your right, this s**t is HOT.
MommyMelissa: ...
Bloodninja: My turnips listen for the soft cry of your love. My insides turn to celery as I unleash my warm and sticky cauliflower of love.
MommyMelissa: What the f**k is this madlibs? I'm outta here.
Bloodninja: Yah, well I already unleashed my cauliflower, all over your olives, and up in your eyes. Now you can't see. Bitch.
MommyMelissa: whatever.
Thanks Matt
Thanks Dan
Thanks Boners
Thanks Sara
Thanks Gerard
Thanks GoldenFiddle
Comments: 0
Friday, August 12, 2005
Hey Mr. DJ, I thought you said we had a deal
This record company pays radio stations to keep independent music off the air:

I could never sleep my way to the top. 'Cause my alarm clock always wakes me right up
And since my options had been whittled away I struck a bargain with my radio DJ
I said I'd like this song to be number one. He said "I'd really really like to help you my son"
And then I knew that I would have him to thank because he asked me how much I had in the bank
He said to think long term investment and that all the others had forgiven themselves
He said the net reward would justify the colossal mess they'd made of their lives
He said the record wouldn't have to be hot and no one ever seemed to care if it's not
It would depend on something else that I've got and that the other ones who'd given it a shot
Had seen a modest sum grow geometrically and then they had forgiven themselves
Because the net reward had justified the colossal mess they'd made of their lives*
Hey Mr. DJ, I thought you said we had a deal
I thought you said, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch your record"
And I thought you said we had a deal
Hooray! My favorite song off the White Stripes album has an really good video.
It's like the Little Rascals sitting in on the filming of A Hard Day's Night during a roadside carnival with those twins from The kinda just have to see it.
Terrific collection of '70s Spanish adult film posters. Y'know, from back when they were in theaters?
There are about a thousand flyer ideas for The Bang! in here, Jeremy.
Does it bother anyone else that CES
(the Consumer Electronics Association's big convention that showcases all of the upcoming technologies)
has a bunch of broken images on their website?

The next cool thing? 60 minute cassette tapes.
The Japanese are so ahead of us it's redonkulous.

Remind me never to play Quarters against This Guy.
The video starts out innocently enough, with the dude just bouncing some coin, but he gets into some serious Olympic-style bounces across the whole room and into shot glasses perched on top of bottles. It's pretty amazing.
OMG! Beans has her own MySpace Page!

Daisy will be so jealous.
Seriously crazy Tibetan jumping cats named horribly by monks.
C'mon U Nan Da...Leonardo DiCaprio and Michael Jordan? Those are terrible names for cats.

Oh. Miss. Scar. Lett.
Thanks Dan
Thanks Gerard
Thanks Goody
Thanks Lee
Comments: 0
Thursday, August 11, 2005
SELECT * from nameassc WHERE p_id_ref NOT in (sele p_ID FROM name) AND !DELETED()
Opening lines from the upcoming Stones song "Rough Justice":
"At one time you were my favorite chicken/Now you've grown into a fox
Once upon a time I was your little rooster/Now I'm only one of your cocks"
Fucking genius

Matrix Cats
So as it turns out, Scott Stapp, lead Christian for "rock" band Creed may in fact be a douchebag.
According to Rumers on the innernets he got all coked up and wandered around a Denny's in Florida looking to get laid. Thanks to the beauty of a blog being created every second of the day, you can check out this LiveJournal post and the follow-up Here (with photos) for the full, possibly untrue story.
More photos of nothing here.
Best recap is available here.
LJ user 1: "He had a prescription to Lexapro (an antidepressant) in his bag.
He was the most annoying self centered troll man I have ever met in my life. "
LJ user 2: "you are awesome for trying to rob him. he has robbed us all from beautiful silence for years."
Christopher Walken for President in 2008? Ok.
If you haven't been looking at Flickr's most interesting photos of the last 24 hours, well then I feel sorry for you.
Sorry bros, that's it.
I'm sooooo sick of computers right now.
Thanks Gerard
Thanks Sam
Comments: 0
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
"I have a thousand years of power!"
This level-four paladin decided it would be a good idea to attack cops with a four-foot sword, shouting "I have a thousand years of power!"
Where else? Royal Oak, Michigan.
I posted one or two of these before, but this guy has all the best Star Wars Engrish:

many more
Two articles that mention AMG:
A guide to finding new music to listen to.
p.s. They name-dropped "Knotty!"
Article about Konfabulator's Widgets
AMG mentioned in the "iTunes Companion" section halfway down the page.
Awesomely Horrifying Spam!!!
Subject: Sex-hungry sons cramming their moms!
In times of great sexual hunger and sorrow, mommies
always have their beloved sons ready to help them.
Glistening videos with amazing action and breathtaking plots!
Must see! 100% exclusive!
..SonMomFilm :: Shocking family revelations featuring mom and son!..
Subject: Prof lean me make sex!
Have you ever thought about having a sex teacher?
These mature ladies are happy to show you what they’ve learned for years.
The only thing they ask in return is SEX!
These mature mamas are not that beautiful any more but they still have sexual desires
and can teach you lots of interesting tricks in sex!
Subject: Hot sweet virgins make me crazy
Andrea is a home girl. A little bit shy, but very hot inside.
She watched her daddy porn tapes from day to day.
She tried petting and blowjob with her boyfriend, but that was not enough!
She wanted more and one day she gave up! Good girl - now we can watch her movie too!
Click here buddy! You must see this!
No Thanks!
Porchsleeper fans: I give you: Bambi Jane DeCroix from Marathon Florida!

Here's her Arrest Record.
Busted again in 2003 for parole violation (under the name Bambi Jean DeCroix).
Wow! I feel as though a chapter of my life is now closed.
More. Awesome. Mug. Shots. Here.
Very nice LP-to-CD burner all in one package.
And yes my birthday is coming up.
Photos of Bathroom grafitti.
P.S. The future is in your hands.
Some Aussie likes swimming naked outside this seaside restaurant for kicks.
"No one really knew he wasn't wearing a bathing suit until he started doing back flips and sticking it up out of the water," Scharosch said, noting it was difficult to determine whether the swimmer's "periscope was up."

Captions: "Stormpooper" or " I hear it's quite a thing to see."
your call
Thanks Alec
Thanks Rob
Thanks Lee
Thanks Dan
Thanks Dusty
Thanks Perry
Thanks a million Exquisite Dead Guy
Comments: 0
Monday, August 08, 2005
100% life-affirming today
These folks put together a hy-larious preview reel of Found Videos that they discovered at yard sales and thrift stores.
The Wendy's Grill video reminds me of the McDonalds training videos that I used to watch on break when I worked at Mickey D's in high school. I would just sit in the break room, dig to the bottom of the video drawer, and find the funkiest most outdated videos you can imagine. Afros, feathered hair, totally 'State of the art'
We used to recommend them to the other workers:
"Oh man, have you seen 'Time Enough To Lean,Time Enough To Clean' yet? It is magnificent!"
We would critique these things like little stoner Gene Shalits: "Hmmm, I would've used the left-to-right wipe there...the circle wipe is soooo overused."
I would kill someone I didn't like to be able to see some of those again.
Top 10 Sexiest Album Covers?
To each his own, but I woulda put The World of Dolly Parton, Volume Two much higher up the list.

I dunno...There are just two things I really like about this album cover.
Know who are the best photographers in the world? We all are. Here is a page that posts all of the most interesting photos posted to Flickr over the past 24 hours.
Jesus Christ, people! look at these photos! We Are AWESOME!!!!
Speaking of Life affirming, here is Steve Jobs' commencement speech at Stanford from June.
This hit at just the right time. Thanks Dave.
Have you been hitting ThisIsMyComputerBlog?
That shit is genius, and I am waaaaay into it.
Everyone on the planet needs to do this: Click Here then vote for The Prime Ministers in the Detroit News Battle Of The Bands thing. It only takes a second, and they don't ask for an e-mail address or anything.
Don't do it because I've asked you to, do it because if my band was in this event, I'd still vote for the Prime Ministers. Because a). they're one of the best bands in Michigan, and b). because it's kinda desperate and creepy to vote for yourself.

Seriously man, these Flickr photos are amazing.
Ok, so maybe this isn't so life-affirming, and it may send you straight to hell: There's this movie coming out called "The Aristocrats" which is just basically stand-up comedians telling the same filthy joke over and over again. Well, the South Park version of the joke is available online, and hoo boy. It is not for the weak of heart. The words "Not Safe For Work" don't really fit for this. No bad pictures, just bad words... and bad thoughts.
See, they start out telling the joke, but when it gets to that whole second level...well, you just gotta hear the joke.
Thanks Chris
Thanks David
Thanks DoubleViking
Comments: 0
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Local Vocals
Steve and I were driving around Lansing Thursday night trying to find the local radio station, when this song came on that had very decent band but really lousy vocals prompting Steve to say "This must be the local music show, these are some really Local Vocals."

Next time: Nose closed, eyes open.
Don't you just hate comic books that try to push their liberal views on you? Lucky for your red, white, and blue ass, there's Liberality, the comic book that puts those freedom-hating liberals in their place.
I'm a big fan of when the liberals appoint Osama Bin Laden as UN ambassador, and you can bet President Chelsea Clinton and VP Michael Moore had something to do with it.
A university creative writing class was asked to write a concise essay containing these four elements:
* religion
* royalty
* sex
* mystery
The prize-winning essay read:
"My God," said the Queen. "I'm pregnant. I wonder who did it?"

I'm a pretty big fan of found photos, but as soon as you find this photo...time to quit the game.
Brother, Get out while you're on top.
Pretty mind-shattering optical illusions involving color.
Those are NOT the same color. Oh my dear God in heaven, they are.

trouble in gotham city
Here are some photos of Steve Hall walking around NYC in a nude monotard.
OK, so it's not really Steve, but he is in a nude-colored monotard.

Thanks K
Thanks Dan
Thanks Horkulated
Thanks Ben
Thanks Gerard
Thanks David
Thanks Boners
Comments: 0

Next time: Nose closed, eyes open.
Don't you just hate comic books that try to push their liberal views on you? Lucky for your red, white, and blue ass, there's Liberality, the comic book that puts those freedom-hating liberals in their place.
I'm a big fan of when the liberals appoint Osama Bin Laden as UN ambassador, and you can bet President Chelsea Clinton and VP Michael Moore had something to do with it.
A university creative writing class was asked to write a concise essay containing these four elements:
* religion
* royalty
* sex
* mystery
The prize-winning essay read:
"My God," said the Queen. "I'm pregnant. I wonder who did it?"

I'm a pretty big fan of found photos, but as soon as you find this photo...time to quit the game.
Brother, Get out while you're on top.
Pretty mind-shattering optical illusions involving color.
Those are NOT the same color. Oh my dear God in heaven, they are.

trouble in gotham city
Here are some photos of Steve Hall walking around NYC in a nude monotard.
OK, so it's not really Steve, but he is in a nude-colored monotard.

Thanks K
Thanks Dan
Thanks Horkulated
Thanks Ben
Thanks Gerard
Thanks David
Thanks Boners
Comments: 0
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
F2 can Stick It!
So there's a couple hours of my life wasted.
While trying to get the good word out to you people I was having trouble connecting to the innerweb on my laptop. It kept saying:
No wireless networks were found in range
Make sure the wireless switch on your computer is on
To see an updated list, click "Refresh network list."
So I'm scrambling around trying to uninstall my wireless driver and reinstall it, trying to repair my LAN connections, updating my WEP encoding, all of this crazy shit, right? Finally I drag out the box that my laptop came in, looking through all of the documentation and trying (in vain) to find my Windows XP disc to try and reinstall any missing drivers, at this point I'm thinking "Christ, I've tried everything I know, I'm gonna have to haul this into work tomorrow and have Dan or Joe take a look at it," when I notice some advertising type on the side of the Gateway Box: "Use One convenient button to turn your wireless service on and off!" and I look and there's this little button hidden as a secondary function under F2:

Believe it or not, mine is even more obscured than this one.
So I hit this little button, and lo and behold I am wirelessly wired. Jeez M. Crow. Doncha think this would be in the Gateway documentation somewhere? Online? In the booklet? No, I had to find it on the edge of the box that the damned thing came in, as a secondary advertising bullet point! Man, sometimes the simplest solution...
The only thing that made me feel better is that later I was looking for that graphic above and found this little bit of text online:
After completing the setup procedure - the first task I tried to accomplish was to set up the wireless network card to access my home network. As much as I hate to admit it, I was stymied for a few minutes trying to figure this out. For some reason, I couldn't get Windows XP to detect my home network. I even resorted to reading the manual and instructions, but they didn't mention anything useful about my problem. It turns out that I forgot to push the wireless network button on the keyboard. I had never used a notebook that had a push-button to activate or deactivate the wireless card. I really wish Compaq had labeled the button - or at least put something in the documentation about the button. Basically, I just felt really dumb for a few minutes. Once wireless was turned on - the wireless button takes on a peaceful blue glow. It took me 5 seconds to connect to my local wireless LAN.
And this guy reviews laptops for a living! So at least I didn't feel so bad after that.
Porchsleeper Rock Show. Thursday, August 4 at the Temple Club in Lansing. With The Fluoride Program, Starling Electric, and Speakerphone
Four bands with more booze and emotion than you can shake a burning couch at.
Second U.S. trailer for the Firefly Movie is now online. Wow is it good.
I've already seen the movie and I wanna see it again after seeing that trailer.
Detroit has Classical music radio once again: 90.9 WRCJ FM.
Get some culture, you heathens!
This high school nerd finishes a Rubik's cube in 13 seconds setting a new American record.
By far the best part of the video is when he goes back to his beyond-nerdy friends and buddy-punches one of 'em in the chest and says "That's a record"
Here are 1.6 million photos of Celebrities when they were little kids.
Verdict: Anna Kournikova = cute even then.
Angelina Jolie = Sorta weird looking.
Tina Turner = Born a boy.

Photos from Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire which comes out at Christmas.
Three words for you: Tri. Wizard. Tournament.
Thanks Jared
Thanks David
Thanks Steve
Thanks PJ
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